Belinda Weaver has left RCC to take up an exciting new position as Community Development Lead for Software and Data Carpentry.
She officially joined the global Software Carpentry organisation, founded in the U.S., on Monday, 19 June.
In her previous role as RCC/QCIF’s eResearch Analyst Team Leader, Belinda ran a number of Software, Data and Library Carpentry workshops in Australia, largely in Queensland.
“I have been a fan of Software Carpentry since first hearing about it in 2014, when I organised the first ever Software Carpentry bootcamp in Brisbane in July of that year,” she said in a blog post about her new role.
She certified as a Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructor in 2015, and taught at two workshops in Brisbane that year. Last year, she taught at eight of the 14 Carpentry workshops held in Queensland. In 2016, workshops were held in Brisbane, Townsville, Toowoomba, Gold Coast and Rockhampton — a huge improvement on 2015, when only three Brisbane workshops were held.
Belinda organised Software Carpentry instructor training in 2016, and certified as an instructor trainer herself that year. She ran instructor training this year for QCIF in Brisbane across 27–28 July. Twenty-five people were trained, including Dr Nick Hamilton and Thom Cuddihy of RCC.
Belinda ran the first Software Carpentry workshop under her new job title across 10-11 July when she organised a tie-in R workshop for the 2017 UQ Winter School in Mathematical and Computational Biology.
Of her new role, Belinda said: “I am looking forward to meeting new people and building new communities worldwide – taking Software and Data Carpentry into new regions and disciplines.”
Since 1998, using volunteer instructors, Software Carpentry has been teaching researchers computing skills they need to get more done in less time and with less frustration.
RCC congratulates Belinda on her new role and looks forward to continuing to work with her to develop the technical skills of researchers and research support staff.
You can contact Belinda at bweaver@carpentries.org, and follow her on Twitter at @cloudaus. If you would like to let her know what are the main Carpentry community-building tasks she should focus on, then please complete her survey.