Three award-winning Australian computer science researchers are the invited speakers for Australasian Computer Science Week 2018 (ACSW 2018), an RCC-hosted conference at UQ St Lucia from 30 January to 2 February.
Associate Professor Lexing Xie, winner of the 2018 CORE Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research; Dr Antonette Mendoza, winner of the 2018 CORE Teaching Award; and Dr Junhao Gan, winner of the 2018 CORE John Makepeace Bennett Award for an Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation, will all speak at ACSW 2018.
Dr Xie is in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University, and leads the ANU Computational Media lab.
Dr Mendoza is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. She received a citation for ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’ in the 2017 Australian Awards for University Teaching, a national-level recognition for her work.
Dr Gan is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) at UQ.
Read more about these speakers on the ACSW 2018 website, including their presentation abstracts.
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson is the chair of ACSW 2018, and three other RCC staffers are on the conference steering committee, including Dr Minh Dinh as publications chair, Dr Hoang Nguyen as chair of early-career researcher (ECR) engagement, and Mark Endrei as chair of graduate students.
Mark will deliver a poster and lightning talk at the conference, the proposed title of which is "Trading-off Performance and Energy Efficiency in Parallel Applications."
ACSW covers research and education in computer science across Australasia. It is organised under the governing auspices of the Computing Research and Education (CORE) Association of Australasia, an association of university departments of computer science in Australia and New Zealand.
The annual conference is attended by Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, academics and industry representatives in computer science from across Australasia.
Read more about ACSW 2018 here.
Three award-winning Australian computer science researchers are the invited speakers for Australasian Computer Science Week 2018 (ACSW 2018), an RCC-hosted conference at UQ St Lucia from 30 January to 2 February.
Associate Professor Lexing Xie, winner of the 2018 CORE Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research; Dr Antonette Mendoza, winner of the 2018 CORE Teaching Award; and Dr Junhao Gan, winner of the 2018 CORE John Makepeace Bennett Award for an Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation, will all speak at ACSW 2018.
Dr Xie is in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University, and leads the ANU Computational Media lab.
Dr Mendoza is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. She received a citation for ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’ in the 2017 Australian Awards for University Teaching, a national-level recognition for her work.
Dr Gan is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) at UQ.
Read more about these speakers on the ACSW 2018 website, including their presentation abstracts.
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson is the chair of ACSW 2018, and three other RCC staffers are on the conference steering committee, including Dr Minh Dinh as publications chair, Dr Hoang Nguyen as chair of early-career researcher (ECR) engagement, and Mark Endrei as chair of graduate students.
Mark will deliver a poster and lightning talk at the conference, the proposed title of which is "Trading-off Performance and Energy Efficiency in Parallel Applications."
ACSW covers research and education in computer science across Australasia. It is organised under the governing auspices of the Computing Research and Education (CORE) Association of Australasia, an association of university departments of computer science in Australia and New Zealand.
The annual conference is attended by Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, academics and industry representatives in computer science from across Australasia.
Read more about ACSW 2018 here.