UQ’s virtual Hacky Hour expands

30 Apr 2020

After a brief trial period, UQ’s virtual Hacky Hour has expanded to encompass the usual broad range of research-related IT issues.

Researchers and students who would like help can join the Zoom session and ask questions about research IT and computing. Beginners are especially welcome. Typical questions include:

  • getting started with Python and R
  • statistics
  • machine learning
  • bio-imaging
  • software tools
  • research data management (RDM)
  • accessing high-performance computing (HPC) and cloud computing
  • data storage
  • data cleaning tools and
  • data visualisation tools.

All are welcome to bring their research IT problems or join as a helper. BYO coffee!

Virtual Hacky Hour meets on Tuesdays, 3pm–4pm. It is supported by RCC, QCIFIMB and a team of dedicated volunteer helpers.

Hacky Hour was previously a weekly face-to-face meetup at Café Nano on UQ’s St Lucia campus, but has gone virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first two trial virtual Hacky Hours focused on HPC to keep the load lighter for the helpers in case there were any issues. Researchers are now welcome to ask any research-related IT questions.

For the Zoom ID link and for any enquiries, please contact Hacky Hour organiser (and RCC eResearch Analyst) Dr Nick Hamilton: n.hamilton@uq.edu.au.

If you have a Twitter account, please follow Hacky Hour: @HackyHourStLuc.
