Submit a paper to SC19

28 Feb 2019

The world’s largest and most prestigious supercomputing conference is calling for papers, and based on our own positive experience, RCC is encouraging Australian researchers to contribute.

Submissions open on 1 March and close 10 April for SC19: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, being held 17–22 November in Denver, Colorado, USA.

RCC has published a number of papers at the conference over the years, including a paper last year based on an ARC Linkage project with US supercomputer manufacturer Cray on energy efficiency in HPC.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson, who is vice-chair of SC19’s invited speaker committee, and a member of the papers committee, said being part of the conference can significantly enhance a researcher’s career. “SC is widely regarded as the world’s leading conference in supercomputing. It’s a terrific endorsement to have your work appear in the program.”

The SC selection process is highly competitive and thus being selected is very rewarding. SC is also one of the top-rated conferences in HPC with respect to citation counts and ranking systems around the world. 

The SC papers program is the leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, ground-breaking ideas, and compelling insights on future trends in HPC, networking, storage, and analysis.

Submissions will be considered on any topic related to high performance computing within the following ten tracks:

  • Algorithms
  • Applications
  • Architecture and Networks
  • Clouds and Distributed Computing
  • Data Analytics, Visualisation, and Storage
  • Machine Learning and HPC
  • Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools
  • Programming Systems
  • State of the Practice
  • System Software.

The new track on machine learning and HPC has been added this year.

For more information, visit the SC19 website.
