Apply now: UQ Graduate Digital Research Fellowship 2019

27 Nov 2018

Applications are now open for the second round of UQ’s Graduate Digital Research Fellowship program.

RCC’s Marco Fahmi developed the program, launched this year with four fellows, with UQ’s Centre for Digital Scholarship and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Marco Fahmi, RCC’s Manager, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.

The fellowship, administered by UQ’s Graduate School, is designed to prepare research students to academic or non-academic careers in digital scholarship.

Fellows will be confirmed research students who will spend one year honing their digital skills and working with local and international digital research practitioners to create a scholarly work that uses digital research methods, such as digital publication, software or data sets.

The fellowship is intended to enhance the fellow's current research or thesis topic.

The fellows will meet regularly at the Centre for Digital Scholarship and have access to digital research support staff — such as Marco Fahmi, RCC’s Manager, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences — who can advise and collaborate on their digital projects.

Expressions of interest are sought from current HDR students in the humanities and social sciences who are confirmed, or will be prior to February 2019.

Applications for the fellowship close Friday, 25 January 2019. The fellowship period is from March to October 2019.

See here for more information and to download the expression of interest form.
