Record number of RCC speakers at eResAU2023

17 Oct 2023

RCC’s team will be presenting a record number of talks at this week’s eResearch Australasia conference (eResAU2023) in Brisbane.  

Seven RCC staff will be presenting their work at the hybrid online and Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre-based conference across 17–19 October. 

The eResearch Australasia conference provides an opportunity for delegates to engage, connect and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information-centric research capabilities, and how technologies can help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, find, understand and reuse information. 

The conference will be officially launched on Tuesday morning by RCC Director Professor David Abramson who is both conference co-chair and president of AeRO, the conference organiser.

On Tuesday, 12:05pm–12:25pm, RCC’s Sarah Walters and Owen Powell, both RCC Research Computing Systems Engineers, and Ashley Wright, a RCC Senior Systems Administrator, will present their work on building Bunya, the University of Queensland’s new supercomputer. Bunya is an evergreen and bespoke approach to high-performance computing clusters.  

On Tuesday, 2:15pm–2:35pm, Oliver Cairncross, RCC’s visualisation and machine learning expert, will give a talk about profiling strategies for accelerating neural network training on HPC GPU clusters.  

On Wednesday, 2:20pm–2:40pm, RCC Chief Technology Officer Jake Carroll is co-presenting a talk about improving “time to value” for IT projects.  

Also on Wednesday, 2:20pm-3:20pm, RCC and QCIF eResearch Analyst Dr Marlies Hankel is a facilitator for the Birds of a Feature (BoF) session titled “Head out on the HPC Highway: Opening Up HPC to Under-Represented & Cross-Disciplinary Domains."

On Thursday, 11am–11:20am, Jake will also give a talk about UQ’s long-term data storage strategy, including information about the co-design, value, risk and balance of the University’s data storage infrastructure.  

On a similar topic, Professor David Abramson, will present a talk on Thursday, 1:40pm–2pm, about the Research Data Reference Architecture (RDRA) working group he created earlier this year. The group was convened to define and document a high-level reference architecture to guide those building support infrastructure for storing and managing research data.  

Also on Thursday, 10:40am–11am, RCC Research Software Engineer Nishanthi Dasanayaka will give a talk about the Image Processing Portal (IPP), a web-based solution for efficient processing of large-scale microscopy data. RCC staff have worked on the IPP alongside a team from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB).  

eResAU2023 attendees are encouraged to visit the booth of RCC partner QCIF in the conference exhibition area to collect a RCC flyer and tea towel about the infrastructure behind UQ data storage fabric MeDiCI (Metropolitan Data Caching Infrastructure). 
