RCC works with imaging facilities to solve big data issues

15 Mar 2016
RCC’s Edan Scriven (standing) ran an ImageTrove software tutorial at UQ’s Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis for its Instrument Operators on Tuesday, 23 February.

RCC’s work with UQ’s Centre for Advanced Imaging over the past few years to develop and deploy ImageTrove for imaging instrument data management is paying off with another UQ institution adopting the software.

RCC eResearch Analyst Dr Edan Scriven is currently helping UQ’s Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis to deploy ImageTrove, a National Imaging Facility tool for managing data sets from microscopes, MRI and CT machines. ImageTrove improves data ingesting and archiving.

Edan is running ImageTrove software tutorials for CMM staff and RHD students.

“These imaging facilities can generate large amounts of data very quickly,” said Edan. “This data must be stored somewhere reliable and accessible, since in many cases the data must be made available to collaborators or made discoverable when the research is published. The ImageTrove software, connected to RDS infrastructure, helps CMM and other groups around Australia to provide secure, robust and consistent data management processes for researchers."

RCC’s involvement is part of the RDS Image Publishing Data Services project, which aims to enable imaging instruments to be data publishers to ensure data are accessible and ready for research use.

RCC Director Prof David Abramson said, “This type of reuse is exactly what we want to see — one technology stack serving many UQ research groups.”

CAI first developed ImageTrove, including integrating it to existing instruments and workflows, through an Australian National Data Service (ANDS) grant.
