RCC co-hosts Brisbane's Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint

16 Jun 2016
Paula Andrea Martinez (UQ) and Clinton Roy (Bloomberg) at the Brisbane Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint, held in RCC's seminar room. Photo by Dr Nick Hamilton (RCC/QCIF).

RCC and QCIF hosted this year’s Brisbane Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint, a two-day hackathon for open source science held 2–3 June.

RCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver co-ordinated further development of Library Carpentry material during the Sprint, roping in a global team of more than 20 people from South Africa, USA, the Netherlands, Canada and Australia, plus the project originators in the UK.

The original four-module lesson (covering Shell, regular expressions, Git, and OpenRefine) has now become seven, with a new SQL module and others for persistent identifiers and computational thinking. Draft learning objectives were created for most of the main lessons linked via: github.com/data-lessons/librarycarpentry.

Five modules were migrated to the new Data Carpentry lesson template, while library-based data sets were swapped in to make the lessons more relevant to librarians.

The lesson material constitutes a kind of ‘Data 101’ course, which can easily be repurposed for other communities and disciplines by the use of different data sets. Belinda hopes to take that concept further over the coming months.

Read more via Belinda’s blog post.
