CLIMB UK adopts Australia’s Genomics Virtual Lab

21 Oct 2016

A UK bioinformatics project has adopted Australia’s Genomics Virtual Laboratory, delivering UK researchers a reliable turn-key bioinformatics analysis platform.

The CLIMB project (Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics) has implemented a microbial version of the GVL (microGVL).

CLIMB’s ultimate goal is to help microbiologists and other researchers implement a new ‘gold standard’ in public health outbreak investigations through the use of refined analytical tools and next generation sequencing technologies.

The GVL was collaboratively developed between QCIF and the Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative and is supported by RCC. NCRIS initiatives Bioplatforms Australia and Nectar funded the tool.

VLSCI Director Assoc. Prof. Andrew Lonie said: “Such international recognition is further demonstration of Australia’s capacity to compete in these complex, technically sophisticated fields.” Read more
