RCC showcases new UQ data fabric at eResearch Australasia Conference

21 Oct 2016
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson with the MeDiCI tea towel at the QCIF exhibition booth, which RCC was represented at, at the eResearch Australasia Conference.

RCC promoted UQ's new data storage fabric MeDiCI (Metropolitan Data and Caching Infrastructure) at this year's eResearch Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne 10–14 October.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson and collaborator Daniel Richards of Data Direct Networks (DDN) gave a talk at the conference on MeDiCI, which was deployed at UQ early last month. 

MeDiCI is a prototype data fabric that links UQ's St Lucia Campus with Springfield's Polaris Data Centre, where research data collections are stored (read more).

RCC gave away MeDiCI "data fabric" tea towels, co-sponsored by MeDiCI collaborators SGI, IBM, DDN and Oracle, at the conference, which almost 400 people attended. 

RCC also gave away Xenon co-sponsored mini LED flashlights to promote FlashLite, the data-intensive high performance computer introduced last year for Australian researchers. Prof. Abramson gave a lightning talk at the QCIF exhibition booth at the conference on both FlashLite and compute cluster Euramoo.
