Work has completed on transforming high performance computer Euramoo into a new, easier-to-use supercomputer, called Awoonga, for Queensland researchers.
The project, first announced in RCC News in August this year, has built Awoonga to be compatible with existing research HPCs FlashLite and Tinaroo to enable researchers to work seamlessly across the clusters. All three HPCs have a similar environment and support users by making it easier to transfer projects between the clusters. This means users can easily scale-up their jobs from Awoonga to either Tinaroo or FlashLite. Unlike the other clusters, and like Euramoo, Awoonga is designed to support a high-throughput workload.
Awoonga began operating in August this year alongside Euramoo to allow users to gradually shift to Awoonga or Tinaroo with RCC’s support.
Upon completion of all users’ jobs, Euramoo recently ceased operating.
Those who previously used Euramoo are advised to use Awoonga or Tinaroo instead (please note: Tinaroo is for UQ staff and students only).
The RCC Support Desk is ready to assist anyone who needs help trying Awoonga or Tinaroo for the first time (email:
To ease the transition, the login environments between Euramoo and Awoonga are very similar. Awoonga’s login nodes are accessible via Secure Shell at
An Awoonga User Guide is available on the QRIScloud website, and a Tinaroo User Guide is available via RCC’s website.
RCC’s tech’ team has recently completed a major release across HPCs FlashLite, Tinaroo and Awoonga, including upgrading:
- to a newer operating system
- the GPFS file system to be compatible with UQ’s Metropolitan Data Caching Infrastructure (MeDiCI) data fabric, which transfers data seamlessly between on- and off-campus locations
- all application software on each node to the latest releases available.
For more information about the HPCs available to UQ researchers, please visit RCC's HPC webpage.