RCC connects UQ HASS researchers with ITEE students

20 Mar 2018
Marco Fahmi

RCC’s Marco Fahmi is supervising 11 students from UQ’s School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering this year on their digital Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) projects.

The capstone projects involve collaborations with researchers in Architecture, Arts, Education, History, Music, Languages and Cultures, as well as RCC.

Many of the projects involve creating apps’, tools or digital repositories to assist those in HASS with their research.

One project involves creating a digital repository for the history of mental health in Queensland; two projects are involved in the automatic scoring of musical performances; and one will conduct text mining of Indigenous theses at UQ.

Nine of the students involved are Masters students, and two are undergraduates. Their projects will either last one or two semesters.

Over the coming months, RCC will host a series of “Work in Progress” presentations by the students about their projects. The presentations, which are open to all, will be held at RCC (room 505a, level 5, Axon Building 47, UQ St Lucia). Below is the schedule of presentations for this semester:

  • Friday, 20 April, 2pm–3pm: Katy McHugh on using the Folker tool with English language corpora.
  • Monday, 14 May, 2pm–3pm: Xiaomei Li on text mining UQ’s collection of Indigenous theses.
  • Monday, 28 May, 10am–11am: Andrea Alonso on building a wellbeing app’ for teachers.

Check RCC’s Events webpage for future presentations.

Marco is RCC’s Manager of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. His role is to create opportunities for digital research activities by connecting UQ researchers to technical experts, setting up digital research projects, getting input from different parts of the university to meet digital researchers' needs, developing collaborations, managing digital research support services. and ensuring that digital research is a visible and valued activity at UQ. 

Contact Marco if you would like to discuss potential new student projects: marco.fahmi@uq.edu.au.
