
  • August 2024— Bunya Phase 3 is coming; RCC expands UQ's data storage capacity; Bunya nominated for CAUDIT Awards; UQ All Staff Expo; ResBazQld dates and venue announced.
  • June 2024— RCC’s new website goes live; DOI created for HPC Bunya; Irek Porebski joins RCC; OnBunya already “great value” for studies of brain development and evolution.
  • March 2024— An open letter from RCC's new Director; Open OnDemand goes live on UQ HPC Bunya; RCC reports from Supercomputing Asia 2024 and AeRO Forum 2024; Video recording of Prof. Frank Würthwein's RCC seminar now live; Australian Reference Genome Atlas app now available; Entries open for research software prize.
  • December 2023— Jake Carroll to replace David Abramson as RCC Director; New IBM storage system should be a "game changer" for UQ; Bronwyn Munsel joins RCC; RCC staff report on their SC23 experiences; KeyPoint wins UQ Award for Excellence in Innovation.
  • November 2023— UQ tackles sustainability of HPC operations; New UQ HPC a “game changer”; New services for researchers; SupercomputingAsia heads to Australia; RCC at SC23, eResAU2023 and ICPP23; Watch our seminar video featuring Prof. Ian Foster.
  • August 2023— New UQ supercomputer featured in iTNews; RCC's full Bunya Q&A with iTNews; UQ and QCIF head to iAwards national final; RCC hires its first undergraduate student; RCC seminar video about El Capitan now available; plus eResearch events.
  • June 2023— More cores, memory and GPUs added to Bunya; Bunya available for QCIF member researchers’ use; Tech trends at Europe’s largest supercomputing conference; Research Data Reference Architecture working group convened; RCC Director delivers two international keynotes; Andrew Soroka and Aaron McDowall join RCC; plus eResearch events.
  • December 2022— UQ’s new supercomputer now available for wider use; Improvements made to UQRDM cloud service; New imaging data tool launched for Australian researchers; RCC's Owen Powell wins Individual Excellence Award; Nishanthi Dasanayaka joins RCC; RCC staff report on SC22; RCC Director gives keynote at eScience 2022, plus more.
  • August 2022— UQ’s new supercomputer nears testing phase; RCC in Computerworld; Nicky Trousdale joins RCC; NCMAS 2023 tips; UQ appoints new lead for research infrastructure; Virtual Desktop Service for Australian researchers; RCC CTO at the Dell Technologies Forum.
  • June 2022— Announcing UQ's new supercomputer, Bunya.
  • April 2022— Awoonga removed to make way for new UQ supercomputer; RCC Director wins SCA HPC Visionary Award; Horatio Davis departs RCC for UQ SMP.
  • December 2021— RCC delivers world-class research data storage technology for UQ; RCC support saves UQ data scientist time and energy; Owen Powell joins RCC; RCC Support holiday hours.
  • October/November 2021— Globus Web App makes research data sharing a breeze; RCC Director to receive prestigious international computing award; Dr Nick Hamilton's two papers involving two HPCs and lots of machine learning; & lots more computing news.
  • September 2021— UQ researchers use machine learning to revolutionise MRI; UQ wins grant for research data collection retention; and ImagingTools website launched.
  • July 2021— Great Barrier Reef holds key to climate change mitigation; UQ’s new HPC scratch storage now in production; RCC Director joins CiSE journal; RCC at C3DIS 2021; Pawsey Summer Internship Program.
  • May/June 2021— Machine learning community of practice launched for Australia; Wiener becomes first UQ HPC to use Multi-Factor Authentication; RCC Director wins global computing award; Applied Machine Learning in Research Showcase; ResBaz Queensland 2021
  • April 2021— An RDM solution for UQ scientific instruments; RCC Director wins ARC grant; Pierre-Alain Chaumeil joins RCC; UQ united in national RDM program; UQ researchers granted access to Pawsey’s PaCER program; Building better genome browsers.
  • March 2021— RCC supports UQ vaccination advice website; UQ's new data storage infrastructure; Dr Nick Hamilton's new machine learning role, UQRDM's plans for 2021.
  • December 2020— Data storage to undergo major upgrade during holiday season; National sensitive data platform to be set up for secure research collaboration; RCC part of winning ‘Going Viral Award’ team; RCC farewells Martin Nicholls; Sarah Walters joins RCC; RCC staff go "Above and Beyond in 2020"; RCC promotes Marlies Hankel as she shifts to full-time.
  • November 2020— RCC resources add bite to saltwater crocodile study; CVL @ Wiener used for the 1,000th time; Thom Cuddihy departs RCC for UQCCR; HPC Wiener used in research for skin cancer paper.
  • October 2020— UQ Psychology researcher makes top choice to use RCC tools; IBM's RCC and AI research case study; RCC Director to moderate SC20 panel on COVID-19 and HPCs; Pawsey call for HPC projects.
  • September 2020— UQ and IBM launch Centre of Excellence; ZDNet interviews RCC Director; NCMAS 2021—applications now open for time on national HPCs; HPC Tinaroo case study with AIBN's Dr Baris Demir; RCC at eResAU2020 and ARDC’s Australian eResearch and Data Skills Summit.
  • August 2020— RCC helps transform UQ-led Global Policing Database; RCC's Digital Humanities and Social Sciences team; RCC assists global geoscience project; UQ scoops HealthHack 2020 awards; RCC CTO featured in ITnews/IBM webinar on data challenges.
  • July 2020— HPC Tinaroo and the social media inspired models showing winter warming hits fish stocks; RCC sponsors HealthHack 2020, SC20 goes fully virtual.
  • June 2020— RCC to install new and improved data infrastructure; UQ and Monash share training for researchers; Australia’s Gadi is a recognised powerhouse in the global supercomputing ranking; ResBaz Brisbane 2020 cancelled.
  • May 2020— IBM partnership brings latest hardware to UQ for research; Tips for researchers to make the most of online training; Galaxy Australia awarded fast-tracked Pawsey access for COVID-19 research; HealthHack 2020 to be held online.
  • April 2020— RCC to help create new, national research platforms; Tinaroo desktop expanded for significantly more users; Researchers release Australia’s Threatened Mammal Index; Virtual Hacky Hour goes international.
  • March 2020— RCC and the COVID-19 crisis; RCC creates new HPC Delena and Nimrod Portal; Hacky Hour and HPC training moves online; Galaxy Australia's contribution to global COVID-19 research; Winter School cancelled; QURPA 2020 student reports.
  • February 2020— RCC moves to further protect secure data; New UQ cache speeds up microscopy-based research; New NCI supercomputer climbs rankings; FlashLite case study with Dr Ati Taherian Fard of AIBN; UQ to host ResBaz Brisbane 2020.
  • December 2019— RCC HPCs aid evolutionary discovery to rewrite textbooks; RCC's year in review; SC19 reports; NCSA internship; RCC’s 2019 student projects; Dr Nick’s Image Clinic to the rescue.
  • November 2019— UQ uses Dell Technologies supercomputer to pioneer new Alzheimer’s disease breakthrough; RCC Director wins Pearcey Medal; UQ’s MeDiCI data storage fabric extended to JCU; UQ fruit fly study may lead to better robot movement; Exeter Uni and UQ likely to collaborate on digital HASS; Ashley Wright and Alvin Sebastian join RCC; SC19; and Research Software Alliance survey.
  • October 2019— Special issue on Artificial Intelligence at UQ; plus, Prepare to change from NCI's Raijin to Gadi; RCC at eResearch Australasia 2019; Winners of HealthHack Brisbane 2019; Denis Lujanski joins AARNet.
  • September 2019— Jake Carroll joins RCC as CTO; New framework to simplify digital instrument-based research; FPGA now available on Wiener; Apply now for national HPC access in 2020; HPC workshop on Parallel Application Profiling; UQ's Research Capabilities Showcase.
  • There was no August 2019 issue of RCC News
  • July 2019— RCC installs innovative data storage tech for UQ researchers; SC19 invited speakers; New Graduate Digital Research Fellow; RCC at Australian eResearch Skilled Workforce Summit; Photos from ResBaz Brisbane and the UQ Winter School.
  • June 2019— The HPCs behind UQ’s all-women Chemistry paper; Reproducibility and Responsible Research Conduct workshops; RCC staffer wins grant to visit Exeter University; UQ student wins John Oxley Library Fellowship; Galaxy Australia wins three QLD iAwards; HealthHack app wins QLD Health eAward; Become a CVL Champion; RCC hosts data science workshop for high school students.
  • May 2019— Q&A with 'father of fuzzing'; RCC HPC energy paper published; RCC's Derek Benson joins CSIRO; RCC sponsors HealthHack Brisbane 2019; ResBaz Brisbane 2019; Why STEM students should attend Winter School; Latest news about UQ's Graduate Digital Research Fellowship.
  • April 2019— Wiener becomes UQ’s first petaflop-capable supercomputer; Jonathan Hadwen joins RCC to support HASS projects; RMIT Vietnam hires RCC Research Fellow for lectureship; Women outnumber men as speakers at UQ's Winter School 2019; Where UQ’s Hacky Hour leads, others follow; Prof. Barton Miller's RCC HPC seminar; Graduate Digital Research Fellows Symposium.
  • March 2019— UQ's new dual AARNet data superhighway goes live; RCC acknowledged in three research papers; UQ Graduate Digital Research Fellows announced; Prof. Peter Sloot's RCC seminar; QURPA student report 2019; RCC at Light Microscopy Australia 2019; RCC at Supercomputing Asia 2019; RCC Director elected as CORE president.
  • February 2019— Special issue on RCC's involvement in Australia's Data Enhanced Virtual Labs; RCC secures new advanced computing hardware for UQ; RCC expands its collaboration with Brisbane high schools; IMB Impact Innovation Award; Submit a paper to SC19.
  • December 2018— Embedded Nimrod case study involving a UQ School of Economics researcher; UQ student makes beeline for NCSA internship; RCC seminar video with Dr Pete Beckman; Winter School 2019; eResearch Australasia 2019.
  • November 2018— UQ goes to the Amazon; RCC and UQ win ACS Digital Disruptors Award; Australian Threatened Bird Index launched; UQ Graduate Digital Research Fellowship 2019; RCC Director to help select SC19’s invited talks; SC18 reports; RCC seminar—AI at the edge.
  • October 2018— UQ group uses HPC Wiener to help speed up pathology workflows; RCC to present paper at SC18; UQ Graduate Digital Research Fellow wins US student talk competition; IBM seminar at UQ on Spectrum Scale; RCC and the Brisbane Digital Humanities Pathways Forum; Tech Talk on environmental sensor data with US speakers; UCSC Genome Browser workshop; Galaxy Australia and Metagenomics workshop; RCC at eResearch Australasia 2018.
  • September 2018— RCC in finals for ACS Digital Disruptors Awards—again!; RCC collaborates with Barcelona Supercomputing Center; UQ’s LLSM showcased in prestigious journal paper; NCI and Pawsey HPC access in 2019; Health Hack Brisbane 2018 winners; Dr Nick in demand for machine learning and bio-imaging talks; Pawsey Roadshow at UQ; Brisbane Microscope Facility Forum.
  • August 2018— RCC turns researcher's laptop into a HPC powerhouse; UQ HPCs to upgrade to the CentOS7 operating system; Installing software locally on a HPC system; RCC staff supervise two undergraduate students; Health Hack Brisbane funding; Galaxy Australia training rolls out nationally; Pawsey-COMBINE Bioinformatics Symposium; eResearch Australasia 2018; RCC/MURPA seminar series 2018.
  • July 2018— HPC resources pave way for ECR’s bright future; Faster network and more data storage set for UQ’s MeDiCI; Jake Carroll wins UQ Award for Excellence; Remembering Ryurick Hristev; Six students become UQ’s first Graduate Digital Research Fellows; RCC sponsors QASMT students to attend SC18; Mike Warren and John Salmon win SC18’s Test of Time Award.
  • June 2018— Special issue on RCC's software and HPC support for UQ's Chemistry researchers. Includes four case studies about chemistry software Gaussian, Amber and ORCA and the researchers' use of RCC-supported HPCs. Plus stories about the DMF Users Group meeting; Galaxy Australia; Pawsey online courses; WORKS workshop; Winter School, and Research Bazaar Brisbane.
  • May 2018— HPC Wiener harnessed for automating skin cancer diagnosis; HPC software listed on new RCC site; UQ Graduate Digital Research Fellowship; Research collaborations—HASS disciplines and technology; Pawsey training; Pawsey Uptake Projects; Research Bazaar Brisbane; Health Hack 2018.
  • April 2018— RCC provides expertise to globally-significant Australian threatened species project; RCC helps make genomics analysis tools easier to use; the Australian Environmental Microbiome Research Data Cloud project; Portal to support Wiener and the LLSM; Three RCC staff to become Carpentries instructors; ResBaz Brisbane 2018; Health Hack 2018; UQ Winter School; RCC Director gives HPC talk at Curtin Uni.
  • March 2018— The power of three HPCs; Galaxy Australia launched; RCC seminar with Dr Bill Kramer; RCC connects UQ HASS researchers with ITEE students; BioLab sessions for Hacky Hour UQ; NCI Autumn Session; SC18; Tinaroo statistics.
  • February 2018— UQ Research Data Manager goes live; Call for GPU accelerated imaging researchers to use HPC Wiener; Hacky Hour UQ's monthly genomics focus; IMB superbug paper thanks RCC for support; Australasian Computer Science Week 2018; UQ Winter School; ResBaz Brisbane; useR! conference.
  • December 2017— Data visualisation tool Phoebe begins work at UQ; RCC's year in review; Nectar virtual labs report; Dr Nick's kidney research discovery and paper; RCC staff present at QUT 'BioeconOMICS' workshop; SC17 report.
  • November 2017— New HPC Wiener will support next-gen research at UQ; RCC wins ACS Digital Disruptors Award; RCC helps demo' revolutionary new software; RCC's Dr Nick wins largest ARC grant in QLD; RCC attends Sydney's OpenStack Summit; RCC supports UQ's Digital Librarian-in-Residence; RCC Director reports back from SC17; winners from Health Hack Brisbane 2017.
  • October 2017— New HPC for QLD research—Goodbye Euramoo, hello Awoonga; Research collaboration springs from UQ's Hacky hour; RCC at SC17; QASMT students at SC17; Brisbane Health Hack problems to solve; RCC at eResearch Australasia 2017; Tech Talk on Scientific Workflow Systems; Supercomputing Asia's call for technical papers; the FAIR data survey.
  • September 2017— RCC supports big imaging data at UQ; RCC in finals for ACS Digital Disruptors Awards; NCMAS 2018 applications now open; Pawsey's Energy and Resources Merit Allocation Scheme now open; Travel grant for women in STEM; life science data sets survey; new QRIScloud systems engineer; eResearch Australasia 2017; Health Hack 2017; and UQ's technology-related documentary series.
  • August 2017— Global Gates-funded project makes sweet work of FlashLite; Euramoo being rebuilt as Awoonga HPC; RCC appoints new Manager, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences; RCC to host PRAGMA in Brisbane; RCC staff papers accepted at eResearch Australasia 2017 and eScience; and feedback welcomed on best data practices in life sciences paper.
  • July 2017 — RCC wins funding for global data sharing project; Asia focus for 2017 RCC/MURPA seminar series; HPC Asia 2018 call for papers; Belinda Weaver's new role; RCC Director collects Achievement Award in Washington D.C.; EMBL-ABR interviews RCC's Dr Jeff Christiansen for Open Science series; UQ Winter School.
  • June 2017 — Pawsey training for researchers in Queensland.
  • May 2017 — The positive impact of parallel and cloud computing on UQ research; Time to cleanup your Galaxy-qld files; National Roadmap; Pawsey HPC training at UQ; Mozilla Global Sprint; RCC's honours students; Gateways 2017.
  • April 2017 — Pilot of UQ's innovative research data management system underway; Zooniverse's Cam Allen at UQ; 2017 Winter School; RCC Director wins HPDC Achievement Award; Mozilla Fellowship; Hacky Hour team now easier to find.
  • March 2017 — Can Zooniverse help your research project?; IMB researchers cut compute time significantly using FlashLite and Tinaroo; FlashLite Info Session; Pawsey Roadshow; SC17 student program; April Tech Talk; RCC Director gives seminar at Oxford; RCC talk at IMB.
  • February 2017 — UQ to build a high-performance image processing facility; MeDiCI testing phase; Bioinformatician and Program Manager join the RCC team; Anaconda deployed on HPCs FlashLite and Tinaroo; Hacky Hour at UQ is back!; QURPA students conduct project work at Cambridge and UCSD; Highlights from ResBaz Brisbane 2017.
  • December 2016 — UQ gets closer to global data sharing; Tinaroo remote desktop; RCC support over the holiday season; RCC Director finalist for Education CIO of the Year; Hyperworks updated on Tinaroo and FlashLite; SC16 reports; Dr Marlies Hankel promoted to Senior Research Fellow; Dr Nick Hamilton nominated for two IMB awards; RCC Director to chair eScience 2017 and ACSW 2018; Web scraping and data cleanup workshop.
  • November 2016 — UQ and Zooniverse; Tinaroo Enhanced Access Program; Dirty COW security patching; RCC at SC16; Library Carpentry funding; ResBaz 2017; ARC grant for Dr Marlies Hankel and team; Bayesian Networks; RCC intern Harrison Ryan; and CityHack16.
  • October 2016 — UQ joins AeRO; RCC at the eResearch Australasia Conference 2016; Brisbane HealthHack 2016 winners; Galaxy-qld meetups launched; CLIMB UK adopts GVL; Gaussian workshop; New QRIScloud Systems Engineer; RCC Director visits world's fastest supercomputers; RCC Research Fellow becomes first former MURPA student to complete PhD.
  • September 2016 — GenomeSpace added to Galaxy Queensland; RCC offers free registration for eRes2016; Open Data Policy for Queensland; NCMAS 2017 applications; International Data Week; Dr Marlies Hankel's new paper; Brisbane HealthHack; RCC at eRes2016.
  • August 2016 — Tinaroo aids research into supercapacitors; new Tinaroo GUI desktop; RCC shortlisted for R&D award; Galaxy-qld's new user policy; Cihan Altinay joins SGI; Dr Nick Hamilton co-authors mouse kidney cell paper.
  • July 2016 — Tinaroo HPC open for general UQ use; TERN and RCC develop portal for reproducing scientific workflows and results; Imaging data research cloud now available at UQ; Access the data sets of the 1000 Genomes Project.
  • June 2016 — RCC seminar series to feature all women; QBI's tech use; QUESTnet; Fran Berman's seminar video; AURIN masterclass; New QRIScloud Systems Engineer joins RCC.
  • May 2016 — FlashLite enables UQ chemists' work with NASA; Calling all Tinaroo early adopters and trainees; UQ HPC remote rendering coming soon.
  • April 2016 — New UQ HPC system Tinaroo replacing Barrine this month; Prof Fran Berman to speak at UQ; MATLAB seminar; ANDS Tech Talks.
  • March 2016 — Beacon Server opens up human genome data sets; Solving imaging facility big data issues; RCC Director becomes an Oxford Visiting Professor; Nine national projects approved to use FlashLite.
  • February 2016 — Connected high-speed data storage coming to UQ; FlashLite sets SPEC benchmark world records; Santa delivers bigger and better storage for FlashLite; Award honours work of GVL team.
  • December 2015 — Euramoo's capacity grows; RCC seminar videos online; RCC support over the holiday season; Brisbane's first ResBaz; SC15.
  • November 2015 — RCC helps researchers analyse the world in 3D; RCC staff co-author GVL paper; Dr Nick Hamilton wins ARC grant.
  • October 2015 — Google cloud platform seminar; Euramoo ready for wider use; FlashLite joins NCI list of HPC resources.
  • September 2015 — New workflow system eases image data management; flow data app; Paul Bell joins RCC; wind power project.
  • August 2015 — FlashLite info session; new seminar schedule; Barrine's reconfiguration; new Galaxy tools and resources.
  • July 2015 — Barrine shutdown; Euramoo virtual cluster; NCI training, Kepler workshop, UQ Major Open Data Collection commended.
  • June 2015 — FlashLite HPC coming soon; FlashLite in the national media; Barrine fights on; QURPA trip reports.
  • November 2014 International Conference on Computational Science; RCC Director on SigHPC board; Galaxy of tools on the GVL.
  • May 2014 — UQ chooses Polaris; QURPA trip report; Winter School attracts White House Champion of Science keynote.
  • February 2014 — UQ launches research data policy; FlashLite; about the RCC; RCC internships.