Training for "Formula 1 pit crew"

16 Mar 2016
GRIDScaler storage technology training, 1–3 March 2016, at UQ

RCC hosted a three-day specialised technical training workshop at UQ, 1–3 March, for the GRIDScaler storage technology from DDN [DataDirect Networks] Storage.

DDN Storage, and its GRIDScaler suite of storage devices, provides the high performance storage for Australian research supercomputers FlashLite and the soon-to-be-released Tinaroo.

"The workshop was very much aimed at the mechanics in the Formula 1 pit crew," said RCC Deputy Director David Green, meaning UQ research institutions’ IT support staff.

"The valuable lessons learnt should greatly improve the experience of using storage on FlashLite and RCC's latest high performance computer, Tinaroo," said David. 
