Three RCC staff to become Carpentries instructors

18 Apr 2018
Belinda Weaver (far left) led the Carpentries instructor training at Griffith University, 9–10 April. (Photo: Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB.)

Three RCC staff will become 'The Carpentries' instructors after completing training last week in Brisbane. 

Once accredited, the trio will help upskill UQ researchers in digital and computational literacy. 

Dr David Green, HPC Manager; Dr Igor Makunin, Genomics Virtual Lab Research Officer; and Thom Cuddihy, an RCC/QFAB bioinformatician and software developer, all completed the QCIF-hosted Carpentries instructor training, held at Griffith University, 9–10 April.

The Carpentries include Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, which aim to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers. 

The course introduces the instructors to the latest evidence on how people learn and how best to teach them. 

Once they become accredited instructors, David, Igor and Thom can lead Carpentries workshops at UQ and beyond to upskill researchers in data analysis, coding, high-performance computing and more.

Three other UQ-based people also completed the Carpentries instructor training last week, including Letitia Sabburg, an AURIN spatial data specialist; Edward Barry, from the Advanced Wastewater Management Centre; and Stephen Crawley, QCIF’s QRIScloud Support Service Desk Manager.

Belinda Weaver, the Community and Communications Lead for The Carpentries (and former RCC staffer), and Jonah Duckles, the Carpentries’ Director of Membership and Technology, led the instruction of the trainees, who came from UQ, Griffith, QUT and USQ.

Due to QCIF’s Carpentries membership, the training was free for all attendees. 

Any queries about the Carpentries, please contact your local QCIF eResearch Analyst.
