RCC helps to patch systems against the Dirty COW vulnerability

14 Nov 2016

RCC and QCIF have applied security patches to their various compute services over the last month to protect against a Unix vulnerability called Dirty COW that QRIScloud and other systems were exposed to. Most were patched quickly with no reduction in service to users.

Compute cluster Euramoo is currently being patched. Rather than drain the queues and suspend services, RCC and QCIF chose to do rolling patches to the compute nodes. This approach reduces the overall capacity of Euramoo for a short period of time, while still allowing jobs to be submitted, queued, and run. All AMD nodes have been patched and we expect to complete patching the Intel nodes in the coming week.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused our users, however, we felt the rolling patch approach was better than the complete suspension of Euramoo. Any issues, please contact the QRIScloud Help Desk: support@qriscloud.org.au.
