RCC helps make genomics analysis tools easier to use

18 Apr 2018

UQ has acquired a new genome sequencer to further research discoveries, and RCC and QFAB are helping researchers to get the most out of their sequencing data.

The UQ Genomics Initiative has installed a PacBio Sequel long read sequencer to enable discoveries across a variety of genomic research applications, from de novo genome assembly of non-model species to characterisation of complex genomic populations.

The Sequel is located in the Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s (IMB) Sequencing Facility and is available for use by all UQ staff and students.

Thom Cuddihy, a RCC/QFAB bioinformatician and software developer, is currently assessing the deployment of a PacBio SMRT Link cluster, to enable UQ researchers to use a simple web interface, rather than use coding, to run their analysis on data from the PacBio Sequel sequencer. This will reduce barriers of entry for those without computer programming skills to do long read sequencing analysis. 

Availability of the PacBio SMRT Link will enable UQ researchers to launch analysis, visualise results, and manage their data through an intuitive graphical interface.

Thom is also helping to set up and customise the PacBio system to meet UQ researchers’ requests and integrate additional facilities such as:

  • ingestion of existing long read data
  • user and data access management
  • long-term storage solutions
  • advanced analysis options.

Thom introduced PacBio SMRT Link to about 60 researchers at UQ Genomics Initiative’s PacBio Sequel launch event last Friday, 13 April.

Thom would like to thank Dr Jeff Christiansen of RCC/QCIF and Dr Gareth Price of IMB/QFAB for their input into his presentation.

Please contact Thom with any queries about PacBio SMRT Link: t.cuddihy1@uq.edu.au, or join the UQ Genomics Informatics Group for updates.
