FlashLite coming soon

22 Jul 2015
XENON Chief Technology Officer Werner Scholz (left) and RCC Director Prof David Abramson at FlashLite's new base in Brisbane.

FlashLite is a new high performance computer designed to support data intensive applications, which are neither well served by traditional supercomputers nor by modern cloud-based data centres. 

FlashLite supports applications that need very high performance secondary memory as well as large amounts of primary (main) memory, and optimises data movement within the machine. 

RCC Director Professor David Abramson will run some information sessions to help UQ researchers and support staff decide if FlashLite is right for their research problems. These sessions are likely to start in August 2015. 

After these initial sessions, FlashLite training sessions will be conducted once the new HPC is operational from August/September 2015. These will be promoted on the RCC website and via RCC News. Subscribe here to RCC News, RCC's monthly e-newsletter.

Please send inquiries via email to rcc-support@uq.edu.au for further information or to register your interest in future FlashLite information and/or training sessions.

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