RCC staffer wins grant to visit Exeter University

28 Jun 2019
Marco Fahmi

Marco Fahmi, RCC’s Manager of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences projects, will visit the University of Exeter in October this year, thanks to the support of the QUEX Institute.

The QUEX Institute is a partnership between the University of Queensland and Exeter University, launched in 2017 to bolster the universities’ joint global research impact.

The QUEX Institute currently has three research themes: environmental sustainability; healthy aging; and physical activity and nutrition.

“I am hoping my visit will lead to a fourth theme around Digital Humanities and will support the creation of a Digital Lab at The University of Queensland,” said Marco.

The trip, funded by the QUEX Professional Services Staff Fellowship program, is designed to provide professional development opportunities and to share best practice and experience between colleagues at UQ and the University of Exeter.  

According to the acceptance letter signed by Dr Jessica Gallagher, UQ’s Director of Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship, Marco’s fellowship application demonstrated a “potential to expand collaboration between UQ’s Research Computing Centre and the University of Exeter’s Digital Humanities Lab under the QUEX Institute.”

At Exeter, Marco will visit the Digital Humanities Lab and investigate opportunities to build collaborations and joint research activities between Exeter academics and UQ’s humanities and social sciences researchers.
