RCC paper at SC Asia 2019

29 Mar 2019
SCA19 Organising Committee Chair Prof. Tan Tin Wee (middle), CEO of NSCC Singapore, presented gifts to RCC Director Prof. David Abramson (right) and Prof. Bronis R. de Supinski (left), CTO of Livermore Computing, for their work on the conference program committee. Image courtesy of SCA19.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson presented a team paper at the Supercomputing Asia conference in Singapore on Thursday, 14 March.

The paper is about RCC's work on creating cache-based data movement infrastructure for on-demand scientific cloud computing. (Read a previous RCC news article about this work.)

The paper's authors are RCC’s Prof. Abramson, Dr Chao Jin, Michael Mallon, Zane van Iperen and Dr Hoang Nguyen, and Jake Carroll, Associate Director, Institutes Research Computing at UQ.

David also participated in the conference as the chair of its program committee, alongside Prof. Bronis R. de Supinski, Chief Technology Officer of Livermore Computing (LC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA.
