Horatio Davis departs RCC for UQ SMP

27 Apr 2022
Horatio Davis. (Photo by Stephen Bird.)

Systems Engineer Aguido Horatio Davis has transferred from RCC to The University of Queensland’s School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP).

Horatio is joining SMP as Research Assistant in Cryptography and Computational Complexity to work with Dr Veronika Kuchta, an expert in mathematical cryptography, post-quantum cryptography and its practical applications.

“I’ll specifically be working on the kind of math problems so complex to solve that you can use them to encrypt and decrypt data even when your opponents have quantum computers,” said Horatio.

“I look forward to diving deep into an interesting area of mathematics and emerging with useful tools to let people construct privacy and security for themselves and their data.”

After being with RCC for almost five years, Horatio decided to return to his first love of mathematics. Also, after programming other peoples' large computers for many years, he wanted to learn how to run his own.

Horatio learnt something new each week during his time at RCC as Systems Engineer for cloud computer QRIScloud, jointly operated by RCC and QCIF.

“The UQ Research Computing Centre is the best place in Queensland to learn the theory and practice of building and running clouds, because their services are chock full of fiercely loyal and appreciative users who couldn't do the research without them,” he said.

“It's deeply satisfying to see someone's research prototype or model take flight and know that you helped them get there. It's also good to be part of a team that routinely does that for a community of many hundreds across Queensland and Australia.”

During his tenure with RCC, Horatio has helped commission and decommission successive tranches of cloud hardware in the Queensland node of the national ARDC Nectar Research Cloud.

“Horatio made a great contribution to RCC and QCIF, quietly supporting the systems behind the scenes. We will miss him and wish him well in his new job,” said RCC Director Professor David Abramson.

A new cloud engineer, shared between RCC and QCIF, will be recruited to replace Horatio. Anyone interested in the role should contact QRIScloud Manager Stephen Bird: stephen.bird@qcif.edu.au.

Horatio left RCC on Friday, 8 April, and joined SMP the following Monday.

Horatio has worked as a programmer for various UQ units for the last 16 years, including the Business School, Library, and the Sustainable Minerals Institute.

He graduated in 2000 from Griffith University with first-class honours and majors in physics, computer science, supercomputing, applied mathematics and statistics.
